Patch Notes 1.5.9

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    AnimA Texts, Audio & Music Composer


    PATCH NOTES: version 1.5.9

    New features:

    - Introduction of a server for saving user data: the saving problem has been drastically reduced.
    - Introduction of offline mode: from now on, even those without an internet connection can play.
    - Introduction of the rankings: for those who play online, there will be a new challenge based on the highest level reached in the lost maps.
    - Introduction of pets: new helpers pet are now available to sell items without returning to the city.
    - Introduction of the stone of rebirth: with this recipe you can reset the second mastery choice.
    - Introduction of a social mission to get a new little reward.
    - Introduction of the auto pick-up system also for epic and legendary items.
    - Introduction of a user ID useful to speed up and improve support for technical problems.
    - Introduction of the letter M in the floating text display to compress the damages greater than one million.

    Improvements and changes:

    - Manual save has been removed: the game now automatically saves.
    - New magic find system: from now on, even very high percentages will bring benefits.
    - More balance gold drop
    - From R4 onwards the gold drop has increased considerably.
    - The new Max Player Level is now 1000 instead of 200: the skill points will still be awarded up to level 200.
    - Gold Nuggets are now legendary miscellaneous.
    - The miscellaneous drop has been reduced.
    - Infuse cores will now drop only to tier 4.
    - The infusion price has been increased.
    - From now on, if you choose as second mastery the same you're already using, your skill cap will be increased from 20 to 25.
    - The empower weapon tooltip is now clearer.
    - The screen can now be rotated of 180°.
    - The village graphics have been improved.
    - The "menu" and "options" interfaces have been improved.
    - The "supporter gift" purchase button will now be disabled once the purchase is made.

    Fixed bugs:

    - The legendary miscellaneous drop bug has been fixed.
    - The rollback bug has been fixed.
    - Raikashan bug has been fixed.
    - The floating text bug has been fixed: floating text will now have a maximum size.
    - The lost map keys bug has been fixed: now the R10 key will not unlock the R10 difficulty.
  2. Underload

    User deleted

    I Thank you.
  3. CostlyDissolution8

    User deleted

    Hi Anima team :) now in r8 150 magic find and 1126kills no 1 legendary item

    What? I exit to write before text and into the game again... And now no save the progress WTF
  4. Adrian Mendoza1

    User deleted

    Amazing work guys! I will always support anima no matter what. You've listened to the community and I hope you get rewarded for it! More players to come!
  5. Ohma Zi-O

    User deleted

    Hi Devs,

    Can you also fix the Teleport and Charge bug for warrior and mage? After using the skill several times, the game freezes. And also, when will we receive our compensation regarding players affected by rollbacks/bugs and etc?? Thank you!
  6. Leandro Lopez

    User deleted

    Que divertido


    Fortress of the Order

    Nice! Improvements are currently visible in the game. Hoping that the other bugs will be taken care of ASAP. Looking forward for NPC Retyuil's function and usability. Kudos to the devs! More power!

    Junior Member


    I would like to know when does the gsme automatically save because i lvled twice an left. To come back that i was back at the same lvl.
  9. NomadicWarrior

    User deleted

    Thanks. But the update sucks.

    New pet system that takes insane amounts of time to purchase coz the gold and nugget drops have been decreased.

    The update does nothing for the amount of time we've lost coz of the tash bug.
  10. SzandorX

    User deleted

    I've tried everything u said but i'm still missing 3 chars and 3 slots + it still ask me to buy the gift of demons...
  11. Simul8ed

    User deleted

    Missing all 3 Characters, that I formation is not loading?
  12. SzandorX

    User deleted

    Solved everything this morning tnx to anima team support
  13. Ilker Sakiner

    User deleted

    I lost my all progress and characters on the game after install new patch. How can I get this help pls
  14. Kamil Trzyszczak

    User deleted

    In my opinion, drop for legendary items is now way to low... a spesially to previous patch. For new players it's to hard in my opinion to get a stuff now. Positive feedback is this increased skill cap, because of that I was able to change some gems for MF and be able to kill monsters on same tier. In 1h of playing no legendary with 500Mf... no fun with that sorry
  15. Dan Manole

    User deleted

    I'm a new player, and while I like the game and want to support it, these new changes make the game way to grindy.
    After the update gold nuggets are non existent, the gold drop increase does nothing (farming r6-r7) and barely see any legendary items, and when i see one it's from the same drop pool of off hands or a it rarely is something useful with sockets.
    I watched some guides on youtube and those people had some legendary items i have never seen drop, like ever, currently have about 90h gameplay.
    Thank you for the hard effort, but for me the grindy direction of the game is not the best one.
    I would also like to see a wiki with the loot table and such things, it would be really helpfull.
28 replies since 15/12/2019, 19:28   2324 views