AnimA The Game

Posts written by Fablanta

  1. .
    The only real advantage is that you do get exclusive seasonal items. At the end of the season (not that there is any sign of the current season ending) they get 'mailed' to you so your non-seasonal character have access to them. You might even get additional quests.
  2. .
    I can't remember for certain, but it could be that it has been mailed to you. Have you checked your mailbox (upper right circle)?
    No lo recuerdo con seguridad, pero es posible que te lo hayan enviado por correo. ¿Has revisado tu buzón (círculo superior derecho)? (Google)
  3. .
    It sounds like you are trying to upgrade with the wrong material. If they have never been upgraded you start with Pirite (for upgrades 1 - 20), then Cabalite (for 21 - 40), Astralite (41 - 49)...
  4. .
    This is another side quest. Not completing it does not affect your progress. All you miss out on is a +25 stat. elixir in your speciality (eg. +25 Intelligence for Mage).
  5. .
    It might be that you have Emblems in your inventory/bag.

    for example for strength:
    Emblem of the Triad adds 15%
    E.o. Omnipotence adds 25% to it
    E.o. Conquerors adds 15% to it

    So if you had 1000 base strength you would get the equivalent of:

    1000 + 150 + 250 + 150 = 1550 strength.
  6. .
    The problem is, you are increasing the stats. by amounts too small to see. For instance adding one skill point to Intellect results in the following increases:

    +0.15 Magic Damage,
    +0.2 Magic Resistance,
    +0.2 Mana Points,
    +0.02 Mana Regen.

    So you would have to add a minimum of 5 skill points to see any change in Res., Mana, Regen (show to the nearest 0.1). The added amounts for all other skills, except Health (+20 per Vitality skill point) are similarly small.

    Anima Wiki - Character Info
  7. .
    I cannot understand your translation. Try asking in your native language.
  8. .
    I have an item that exchanges mana for Life, but I can't use skills, because my mana is negative, and in the item description it has (-50 mana), as I have an item that makes the exchange it would be to remove my Hp and not my sis, please I hope you can fix it, I thought the game was incredible.

    Se você tiver mana negativo, não há muito que você possa fazer diretamente. O método usual seria usar pedras de encantamento (encontradas em Lost Dungeons) para cancelar o efeito. Mas as pedras que afetam a mana não existem ou são muito raras. A melhor maneira de aumentar sua mana e regeneração de mana é aumentando seu intelecto. Cada ponto de Intelecto dá a você 0,2 de mana e 0,02 de regeneração de mana. Então para cancelar -50 de mana você precisaria de 250 de Intelecto. Mas você precisará de muito mais do que isso se pretende deixar que suas reservas de mana atuem como sua saúde.
    If you have negative mana there is not much you can do about it directly. The usual method would be to use Enchantment stones (found in Lost Dungeons) to cancel out the effect. But stones that affect mana either do not exist or are very rare. The best way to increase your mana, and mana regeneration, is by increasing your intellect. Each point of Intellect gains you 0.2 mana and 0.02 mana regen. So to cancel out -50 mana you would need 250 Intellect. But you will need far more than that if you intend to let your mana reserves act as your health.
  9. .
  10. .
    Yes the Covenant/Brotherhood rings, that act as an extra item in any set, are still available. The monster that carries the portal to the special area that they are located in (Temple of Idols) can only be found in 3 locations: Kalan Dur's Forest, Devahri Desert, and the Black Lands. And even then not all difficulty levels seem to spawn the portal monster (Guardian of Worlds). I think I have only seen Guardian of Worlds spawn in Hard and Hell. (Hard gives you level II rings and Hell level IV ones). Finally when you get to Temple of Idols you have to defeat the boss within (Kamelor, the Valiant) to open his treasure chest which may, or may not, contain a ring. If it doesn't all you get is the kind of rubbish you might get for destroying a barrel.

    The Dragonslayer bow is even rarer. I have only seen 2 of them in the time I have been playing. I have never got one from a Obli chest.
  11. .
    Якщо я розумію ваше запитання, існує 8 різних типів символів, але максимум 7 символів. Це означає, що вам доведеться видалити принаймні одного персонажа (після того, як ви досягнете рівня 150), щоб отримати всі досягнення.

    Я б рекомендував почати з вашого улюбленого класу персонажів, щоб отримати обладнання, а потім найменше, щоб усунути його.
    If I understand your question correctly, There are 8 different character types but a maximum of 7 character slot. This means you will have to delete at least one character (after you get it to level 150) in order to get all the achievements.

    I would recommend starting with your favourite character class to get equipment followed by your least to get it out of the way.
  12. .
    Si la misión que te perdiste es la Redención, no es una de las críticas. Con una misión particular, todo lo que te pierdes son 1000 de oro.
    If the mission you missed is Redemption, it is not one of the critical ones. With this particular mission all you miss out on is 1000 gold.

    Edited by Fablanta - 5/2/2024, 17:56
  13. .
    You start getting 100% T6 gear at level 609. The highest level in Dungeon Finder and Lost Dungeon is 2060. At this level the boss is immortal.
  14. .
  15. .
    You do not have to finish the Redemption mission. All it gives you is 1000 gold.

    No es necesario que termines la misión de Redención. Todo lo que te da son 1000 de oro.
33 replies since 3/8/2023